The Alliance for Multi-campus, Inclusive Graduate Admissions (AMIGA)

The Alliance for Multi-campus, Inclusive Graduate Admissions (AMIGA) is a collaboration with UCLA and the University of Southern California on a grant supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation that ended in December 2024. The grant brought together faculty from select graduate programs and groups to develop holistic review for graduate admissions in a final total of eight humanities and humanistic social science graduate programs at each UC campus. Holistic review considers a wide range of applicant attributes and skills, in addition to other academic measures.

AMIGA LogoFor the AMIGA project, faculty development modules on inclusive graduate admissions were developed and delivered through faculty-training-faculty  sessions.  AMIGA leadership also hosted two forums to disseminate inclusive graduate education scholarship and practices over the 6 years of the grant. The first AMIGA Forum was held in October 2018 and focused on participating faculty and campuses. For the second AMIGA Forum held in 2021, representatives from all 10 UC campuses participated.

For more information about the project, please see the AMIGA website or contact project director and Co-PI, Dr. Josephine Moreno, Graduate Diversity officer.