Member of CGPSA2024-2025

Chancellor's Graduate & Professional Student Advisory Board

The CGPSA board was established to facilitate direct communication between the Chancellor and graduate and professional students at the University of California, Davis. The board informs students about activities within the Offices of the Chancellor and provides comprehensive recommendations to the Chancellor about graduate and professional student needs. The purpose of the Chancellor’s Graduate and Professional Student Advisory Board is to advise the Office of the Chancellor and advocate on behalf of graduate and professional students.


Applications for this academic year are now closed. Please check back in the fall for updates


Chaired by the Graduate Student Advisor to the Dean and the Chancellor (GSADC), the CGPSA board comprises 22 current graduate and professional students representing a variety of departments, graduate groups, professional schools, and perspectives on graduate student life. The board’s membership also reflects the diversity of graduate student experiences and identities across gender, race, class, ability, age, sexuality, and nationality.

Members for the 2024-2025 academic year include: 

Tamara Christiani (Chair, Integrative Genetics and Genomics) Sicily Lerner (Ad-hoc - GSA, Comparative Literature)
Catelyn Bridges (Vice Chair, Horticulture and Agronomy)Athens Marrón (School of Education)
Abbibrinda Senthil (Secretary, Forensic Science)Emmanuel Momoh (Geography)

Oluwadamilare Adisa (French and Francophone Studies)

Oby Okoye (Chemistry)
Monica Ardon (Integrative Pathobiology)Sophie Quynn (Computer Science)
Matthew Braga (Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology)Kelsey Racacho (Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology)
Maria Calderon (Psychology)Emily Sklar (Nutritional Biology)
Lewis Daniel (Horticulture and Agronomy)Christina Thomas (Native American Studies)

Simon Ellison (Chemistry)

Arielle Yoo (Biomedical Engineering)
Trevor Gannalo (Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology)Hareem Zahid (Nutrition Biology)
Robin Kay (Epidemiology)Zoe Zingler (Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry)
Haley Konoval (School of Veterinary Medicine) 

2024-2025 Board Projects

1. Student-Parents & Student-Caregivers Resources Subcommittee: An exploration into strategies for more effectively identifying student caregivers and parents, and linking them to available campus resources.

2. Resource Communication & Dissemination Subcommittee: Focuses on increasing access to campus resources and reducing barriers to access. 

3. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Subcommittee: Provides perspectives and suggestions to foster a more inclusive campus environment. 

Board Reports

Please direct any additional questions, comments, or concerns to