Vaccination and Travel Updates for Graduate Students
In the interest of keeping graduate students informed about the latest vaccination policies and public health guidance, UC Davis Graduate Studies has developed the following summary for incoming and continuing graduate students.
Vaccines Required for Students, Faculty and Staff
UC Davis is working to implement the UC COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate, which was finalized and approved on July 15. For the safety and well-being of the entire university community, the policy requires, with few exceptions, that all students, faculty and staff be vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus before they will be allowed on campus or in a facility or office. Updated FAQs for students and FAQs for employees are also available.

Vaccination Compliance Flowchart
Have questions about vaccination compliance?
Explore the flowchart to see what actions may be required.
Vaccine Clinic on Campus
UC Davis is helping administer COVID-19 vaccines through its campus vaccine clinic. Students and employees can schedule free appointments for Pfizer vaccinations at the campus clinic through the Health-e-Messaging portal. Free, walk-in vaccinations are also available at multiple clinic locations in Yolo county, including those in partnership with Healthy Davis Together. More appointments can be found on the My Turn website.
Report your Vaccination Information
To comply with the vaccine mandate, by Sept. 8 all UC Davis students and employees will need to report their vaccination status. If you are fully vaccinated, visit the Campus Ready website to learn how to verify your vaccination status through Health-e-Messaging. If you are unvaccinated, find more information on our Exceptions page for details on how to comply with the vaccine mandate.
Self-Sequestration Requirement for Students Arriving from Abroad
Based on the recent fall planning guidance issued by the University of California and our continued effort to implement public health measures to protect our community, any student who is unvaccinated when they arrive in Davis will be required to self-sequester (i.e. separate themselves from others) in their residence for a minimum of seven days and have two negative COVID-19 tests. The self-sequestration requirement begins when students arrive to the Davis area (not any other location in California or the United States). This one-time requirement is being implemented specifically for the start of fall quarter and is different from quarantine and isolation guidance that you would receive from Student Health and Counseling Services (see section below). Learn more about this requirement on the Campus Ready website.
If you are fully vaccinated with a vaccine approved on the World Health Organization's (WHO) vaccine status tracker or if you received a vaccine in the United States, you do not need to self-sequester when you arrive. Vaccinated travelers are advised to follow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) travel guidance.
Quarantine and Isolation
Isolation and quarantine help protect the public by preventing exposure to people who have or may have contracted COVID-19. Any student who tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, is required to self-isolate. Unvaccinated students who come into close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 are required to self-quarantine. Fully vaccinated persons who had close contact with someone with COVID-19 are NOT required to quarantine unless they have symptoms. Directives for UC Davis students to isolate or quarantine will be provided by Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS). Find guidance on requirements for self-isolation or self-quarantine on the UC Davis Campus Ready Quarantine and Isolation webpage.
Additional Travel Guidance
Based on recent guidance on national and international travel from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and considering the health and safety for all UC Davis travelers, UC Davis continues to recommend against all non-essential university-sponsored travel both domestically and internationally. Visit the Global Affairs website for more information.
Review the attached flowchart or visit the Campus Ready website for more information.