UC Davis Grad Student to Attend 63rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings

The Lindau meetings are a chance for aspiring researchers to meet Nobel Prize winners, who will spend the week giving lectures, leading workshops, and attending meet and greets with students.
Bryan looks forward to making new connections with students and Nobel Prize winning researchers alike. “It's a chance in a lifetime to meet and talk to Nobel Laureates and graduate students from around the world,” shared Bryan. She also understands how this experience can help in the years to come in her own academic career, “The conversations and connections I make during this conference will benefit me in my current research and in my future career.”
Bryan also looks forward to the personal opportunities the conference will bring, like traveling abroad, talking about her passion for science with others, creating new friendships, and bringing back lasting memories. “This will be quite the grand adventure!” she added.
Meeting as many people as possible is one of Bryan’s goals, but she has also singled out Robert Grubbs through the multitude of Nobel Prize winners attending the conference. Grubbs is a fellow organometallic chemist, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2005. “I am very impressed with his company, Materia, Inc,” said Bryan of her academic role model, “and would love to get the opportunity to talk with him.”
Bryan knows the conference will give her valuable perspectives and new ideas, “I really thrive off of discussions and conversations with other people,” she said. “I’m really excited to talk to people outside of my chemistry world at UC Davis, and bring back these new perspectives and ideas to my research.”
Learn more about Bryan’s research.
Learn more about the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings on Facebook and their website.