Goal 2-A
Establish mentoring programs focused on advancing effective faculty-student mentorship.
Potential Activities, Projects and Initiatives
- Create a faculty mentor training program to increase mentor skill development, equity and inclusion and promote positive and enriching mentor-mentee relationships.
- Promote broad mentorship networks to ensure graduate students and postdoctoral scholars seek mentors from a diverse network.
- Establish Graduate Studies as a leader in faculty-graduate student mentorship and serve as a hub for the dissemination of best practices.
Goal 2-B
Partnering with the graduate programs, develop an expanded portfolio of professional development resources emphasizing a variety of career outcomes to all graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.
Potential Activities, Projects and Initiatives
- Foster academic culture change with the goals of equally valuing all career choices for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.
- Work with campus and community partners to identify graduate student internships and jobs.
- Provide students with opportunities for service learning and community-based learning.
- Ensure the inclusion of diversity components in professional development offerings.
- Gather and publish data about graduate career outcomes.
Goal 2-C
Engage the graduate alumni community by creating professional development- and community-focused opportunities, services and programs.
Potential Activities, Projects and Initiatives
- Increase the number of alumni participating as active volunteers, advocates, and board members. Strengthen ongoing relationships with alumni through improved volunteer engagement.
- Design a strategy to keep alumni engaged in the years following their graduation
- Create mentorship networks that link current students and postdocs to alumni in order to create a strengthened sense of community and a clearer understanding of career pipelines.
- Develop a pipeline to prepare alumni, donors and prospective donors to make gifts to key areas of graduate education.
Goal 2-D
In partnership with programs and campus partners, develop new diversity, equity, inclusion components in professional development and mentoring programs.
Potential Activities, Projects and Initiatives
- Include diversity and bias training in faculty mentoring training programs.
- Provide resources on culturally aware mentoring/inclusive mentoring.