Carina Fish scuba diving with a big fish.

Meet the Grad Slam Finalists: Carina Fish

UC Davis Grad Slam Finalists

Quick Summary

  • Meet Geology graduate student and Grad Slam finalist Carina Fish.

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Carina Fish

Program, Degree & Year of Study:  
Geology, Ph.D., 1st year

Previous Degree(s) & College(s): 
A.B. Earth and Planetary Science, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Harvard College

Research Interest: 
Marine Biogeochemistry

Title of Grad Slam Presentation: 
Surface-Deep Connections: Ocean Acidification

What initially attracted you to your field of study?
I was exposed to marine science research at a critical age of 15 through an incredible opportunity of a semester abroad program in the Bahamas.

What did you do to prepare for Grad Slam? 
Ran through my three-minute spiel once during an impromptu lab group meeting.

Did you encounter any obstacles while preparing for Grad Slam? How did you overcome them? 
Time management juggling TA-ing with my own classes, research, and hosting prospective students. Scheduling everything and being deadline-oriented.

What do you think sets you and your presentation apart from the other contestants? 
My presentation was simple and clean, and I utilized visual aids that enhance SciComm instead of using them as the focus or a crutch.

What are your other passions/hobbies? 
Distance running, scuba diving, racial justice, dancing, and food.

UC Grad Slam is an annual contest in which master’s and Ph.D. students across UC campuses – in disciplines ranging from hard sciences to humanities – compete to sum up their research for a general audience. Students present the significance and fundamental points of their work at UC Davis in a clear, direct and interesting manner.

Over 80 master's and doctoral students from across UC Davis' 99 graduate programs submitted proposals for this year's competition, which kicked off with a qualifying round on February 28 at the ARC. Faculty and staff from across UC Davis volunteered to serve on the judging panels.

The finalists will compete against each other at the UC Davis Final Round at the Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti Shrem Museum of Art on April 14 from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm. The event is free and open to the public, and is co-sponsored by the Manetti Shrem Museum of Art. Registration is now open at

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